
Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy states how BNW Developments (‘we’ or ‘us’) collects, uses, stores, and/or shares, personal information that you provide to us, or that we collect, when you use the BNW Developments website (https://bnwdevelopments.com ) and other websites owned or controlled by BNW Developments (the ‘sites’) or related applications. It also applies to data collected through various online forms, BNW Developments events, or during communication with one of our customer service representatives (‘personal data’).

It should be noted that if you disagree with anything in this privacy policy or Terms of Service in any shape or form, you must not use the websites or provide personal information to us in connection with the products or services of BNW Developments.

Collection of Personal Information

Information Collected by Us Using Cookies

When you visit and use our website, we may automatically collect information using cookies and other allied technologies, such as web beacons.

Cookies are small amounts of data that are stored within the internet browser of your computer and that are recorded and accessed by the websites that you visit so that they can recognize the same browser navigating online the next time. The cookies are not able to access other information on the computer or execute code.

Web beacons are transparent pixel images that are used in gathering information about email response and tracking and website usage.

Moreover, some cookies may be set by third parties that we have hired to render services on our behalf, such as an enquiry form. Since your web browser connects to those third parties, they can set their cookies on your device and may gather information about your online activities (but not any personally identifiable data) across websites or other online services.

Information that may be collected by cookies when you use the websites may include, without limitation, the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, the web pages you visit within the websites, the amount of time you spend using the websites, the time and date and your visit to the websites, and your computer and connection information such as your operating system, browser type and version, and platform.

We use this information to improve the website's performance and enhance the experience of the users. You can reject these cookies or ensure getting notified when you are sent a cookie by making changes to the settings of your web browser. To understand how you can manage cookies and web beacons better, you can go through the privacy features of your web browser.

Information Provided to Us

This involves the information that is provided directly or voluntarily by you to us through enquiry, events, or communication. Whenever you want more information about our products and services or sign up to become a registered user of a website operated by us, you need to provide us with relevant information.

This information is used to communicate with you and plan and execute activities and content that we believe will interest you and to make sure BNW Developments will not violate any applicable sanctions in providing you access to its goods and services. If you want to decline these communications with us, you can follow the instructions mentioned in the applicable communication we provide.

Similarly, if you participate in an event of BNW Developments, we will provide you with information and services related to the event by accessing the information you have provided in your account. The same applies to whenever you register for one of our events.

Furthermore, we will collect information that you provide when you correspond with us through postal mail, email, phone, or through other forms of communication, including our customer service center.

We will use the email address you provide us with to send you relevant updates, along with other marketing and promotional materials. You can unsubscribe from our email communications at any time by following the 'unsubscribe' link included in our emails or by contacting us directly at info@bnw.ae

Information Provided to Payment Processors

The payments made to BNW Developments are processed by a third-party processing service engaged by us. Please note that all information collected by these third-party providers for processing your payments is not available to us unless you have otherwise given this information to us while using our websites or our products and services.

Using, Storing, and Sharing of Personal Information

Usage of Personal Information

We use the information we gather to provide, protect, maintain, and enhance our current products and services and to develop new ones. This allows us to:

  • Identify you as a user of our services.
  • Enhance our services, website, and business operations.
  • Understand and improve your experience using our website, products, and related services.
  • Facilitate the creation and security of your account on our network.
  • Reply to your comments or questions (and for our customer service to aid you).
  • Communicate with you about upcoming events, promotions, and news regarding products and services offered by us.
  • Provide you with relevant information, including technical notices, confirmations, security alerts, invoices, updates, and administrative messages.
  • Protect, investigate, and deter against unauthorized, fraudulent, illegal, and harmful activity.
  • Combine or link it with other data we receive from third parties to help us get clarity on your needs and requirements and modify our services.

Data Storage and Retention

Your personal data is stored by BNW Developments on its servers, and on the servers of the database management services BNW Developments engages with. BNW Developments stores the data for the duration of the customer’s business relationship with BNW Developments and otherwise as required under applicable law.

Personal data will be kept for no longer than is required for the reasons for which your personal data are processed. We will store your personal data as long as you are a BNW Developments customer or need our services so that we can provide these services to you.

If you are located in the European Economic Area, the moment you come out of the BNW Developments association or withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal information, we will erase all your personal data received and stored by us, unless we are required to store this personal data by law or to comply with our regulatory obligations. In such a case, we will only keep this personal data as long as required.

Information for Individuals in the European Union (EU)

Legal Basis for the Processing of Personal Information from EEA Residents

If you live within the European Economic Area (EEA), we will process your personal information through the following legitimization.

  • In the event we need your consent for the processing of your personal information, it will be justified according to Article 6(1) lit (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (‘GDPR’). This article in the GDPR states when processing can be lawfully conducted.
  • Whenever the processing of your personal data is required for the performance of a contract between you and BNW Developments or for seeking any pre-contractual steps as per request, such processing will be under GDPR Article 6(1) lit (b). BNW Developments will not be able to execute the contract with you if this data is not processed.
  • If the processing is necessary for the reasons of the legitimate interests of BNW Developments, such processing will be made under GDPR Article 6(1) lit (f).
  • If the processing is necessary for us to comply with a legal obligation, we will process your information based on GDPR Article 6(1) lit (c).
  • You may also receive customized advertising where you indicate to BNW Developments specific interests by requesting information about a product or service or by stating your marketing preferences. However, you may also receive general communications regarding new product and service launches, schemes, or promotions.

European Union Data Subject Rights

The General Data Protection Regulation of European Union countries and other countries’ privacy laws provide various rights for data subjects.

This Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with information about what personal data BNW Developments collects about you and how it is used.

You may request information through our Data Subject Access Portal about the categories of personal data, the reasons for the processing, who else outside BNW Developments might have received the data from BNW Developments, what the source of the information was (in case you didn’t provide it directly to BNW Developments), and where the personal data is stored and how long it will be retained.

You have a right to rectify the record of your personal data maintained by BNW Developments if it is inaccurate by requesting BNW Developments to erase that data or stop processing it, subject to certain exceptions. You may also ask BNW Developments for your personal data to be updated, or for their transformation into an anonymous format or to block any data held in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their treatment for all legitimate purposes.

You can withdraw your consent for the processing of personal data by BNW Developments at any time. You may also request that BNW Developments stop using your data for marketing and promotional purposes as well.

When technically feasible, BNW Developments will provide your personal data to you or transmit it directly to another controller at your request. You have the right to receive your personal information in a standard and structured form. You hold the right to complaint to relevant data protection authority if you have grievances about how BNW Developments processes your personal data. This right is available in many countries (including EEA countries).

Furthermore, you may be provided with contextual and additional information concerning particular services or the collection and processing of your personal data upon request.

Transferring Personal Data from the EU to the UAE

Information we collect from you will be processed in the UAE. The information you give and the security of your privacy are very crucial to us, but we cannot warrant or ensure the security of any information you transmit to BNW Developments or guarantee that your information on the BNW Developments may not be accessed, altered, disclosed, or destroyed by breach of any of our industry-standard managerial, physical, or technical safeguards.

If you enter sensitive information (such as login credentials) on our chat form or order form, we use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt that information. Keep in mind that no data transmission over the internet can be given 100% safety. As such, BNW Developments cannot warrant or guaranty the security of any information that you transmit through its websites. You are doing it solely at your own risk.

BNW Developments participates in its compliance with the EU Privacy Shield Framework. BNW Developments strives to subject all personal information received from EU member countries to the Frameworks’ applicable principles.

Marketing and Promotional Communications

At times, we may combine your information with data we collect from our vendors and use it to enhance and customize our website. If you don't want to receive marketing and promotional communications from us or participate in our ad-customization programs, you can follow the instructions provided with the communication or advertisement.

Modifications to this Privacy Policy

We may modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time to showcase changes in our business practices and data collection methods. It should be noted that we solely hold the right to amend this Privacy Policy any time for any reason. It might be amended without notifying you, other than posting the amended Privacy Policy on the website or sending you an email notifying you of the amendment on the email address you provided to us.

We recommend you check the website often. We will in any case not minimize your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent.

In the event of you continuing to use the website or providing personal information after the Privacy Policy has been modified, you are thereby adhering to the modified Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the changes, you should stop use of the websites, and discontinue providing personal information to us, prior to the time the modified Privacy Policy takes effect.

Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances

If you have any questions, concerns, complaints, or grievances about our Privacy Policy, please reach out to us at info@bnw.ae